1. AddJobDocument (Server-Side)
exports['redutzu-documents-esx']:AddJobDocument('mechanic', {
colors = {
background = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, .9)',
header = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, .7)'
command = {
enabled = true,
name = '+mechanic_document',
description = 'Display your document to nearby players'
item = {
enabled = true,
name = 'mechanic-card'
prop = {
name = 'prop_fib_badge'
animation = {
dict = 'paper_1_rcm_alt1-9',
anim = 'player_one_dual-9',
bone_index = 28422
information = {
{ label = 'Job', value = 'job.label' },
{ label = 'Grade', value = 'job.grade_label' },
{ label = 'Date of birth', value = 'variables.dateofbirth' }
range = 5.0,
time = 4.0
2. CreateCustomDocument (Server-Side)
RegisterCommand('custom-document', function(source, args, raw)
exports['redutzu-documents-esx']:CreateCustomDocument(source, {
information = {
{ label = 'Job', value = 'job.label' },
{ label = 'Rank', value = 'job.grade_label' },
{ label = 'Date of birth', value = 'variables.dateofbirth' }
removeBackground = true
end, false)
Last updated
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